Who is Zeus: the greatest god in mythology

The ancient Greeks believed in gods who ruled nature, the realm of the dead, and human life. The modern world has preserved myths about them, but Zeus is considered the greatest. He was a thunderer who lived on Olympus and was the most important among the gods. Even today, his figure is of interest to people. You can find out who Zeus is and what his reign was like on the website http://www.sigeneration.ca/ which contains all the information about this mythical figure from ancient to modern times. Here you will learn how the name of Zeus is used in modern culture and discover many interesting things that are not described in the usual literature.

What do you need to know about Zeus?

In ancient Greek mythology, he was also called the god of thunder and lightning. He was the seventh child of the titan Cronus and Rhea. His mother was able to save him from his father, who ate all his children because he was afraid of dying at the hands of one of them.

Zeus was very powerful. As an adult, he managed to defeat Kronos and free his brothers and sisters who had been eaten by their father. He also took all the powers of the titan for himself. Thus, Zeus became the most powerful god who ruled Olympus and the whole world.

What was Zeus the god of?

According to mythology, each of the gods controlled one of the processes that took place in the world. For example, Poseidon ruled the seas and oceans, and Hades ruled the realm of the dead. What was Zeus the ruler of?

  • The main god of the heavenly Olympus. He was recognized as such after the universe was divided between him and his brothers Hades and Poseidon. Thus, Zeus became the ruler of heaven.
  • The lord of the rain. Mythology describes that this god could control thunder and lightning. Thus, he gained control over many natural phenomena and used them as weapons.
  • The god of justice and law. It was Zeus who became the father of the other gods, and despite the fact that his personal life raises many questions, he tried to act in a fair way. In particular, he created laws to guide his children.

Zeus could transform into an eagle and a bull. And his throne symbolized power, justice, superiority over others, and majesty.

What is known about Zeus' personal life?

Of course, in modern culture, Zeus' personal life seems very unusual. In particular, mythology describes that he married his sister Hera. But he also had affairs with other goddesses and even ordinary women.

However, Hera is considered the main woman in Zeus' life. His marriage to her is vividly described in the myths. She also bore him children. In addition, the god of lightning and thunder had children out of wedlock, including the majestic Hercules.

Zeus in contemporary culture and why he is still remembered

Although modern Greece has long since abandoned its ancient beliefs, the myths about its gods are still of interest. Moreover, temples and majestic sculptures reminiscent of the rulers of the ancient world have been preserved.

The name of Zeus is also found in modern culture, and perhaps most often. He is portrayed in different ways: as a just and honest ruler, as an insatiable lover of women, and as a merry thunderer. But it is worth noting that this god was highly respected among the Greeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that many temples were built for his sake.

Today, Zeus appears in:

  • fairy tales and stories by many authors;
  • feature films, including Thor: Love and Thunder";
  • children's and adult games, as one of the characters;
  • in cartoons.

By the way, it was in honor of Zeus that the Olympic and Nemean Games were organized. Olympia also had the most magnificent statue of this god, which was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It was burned down in a fire in Constantinople, but today there are many sculptures similar to it.

As you can see, Zeus is one of the greatest figures in the world. Many people are happy to look for new information about him in order to create their own idea of the ancient Greek god. He also appears in modern culture.